دراسة تشريحية للمقطع المستعرض في الساق للأنواع العائدة للجنسين Vicia L. و Pisum L. (العائلة البقولية) النامية في وسط وشمال العراق

Anatomical study of stem species belonging to the genera Vicia L. and Pisum L. (Fabaceae) growing in Central and Northern Iraq


  • آسيا حامد محمد و رنا هاشم علوش

الكلمات المفتاحية:

العائلة البقولية ، دراسة تشريحية ، Vicia ، Pisum ، سمك البشرة ، الكيوتكل


The present study encompassed the stem anatomy of the studied species belonging to the genera Vicia and Pisum of the legume family. The species under studied were Vicia lutea L., Vicia sativa L., Vicia narbonensis L., Vicia tenuifolia Roth, Vicia ervilia L., Vicia hirsuta L., and Pisum sativum L. Additionally, their characteristics were analyzed. This study commenced in March of 2023. The results exhibited significant variations in the shape of the stem, the thickness of the epidermis, cortex and pith, in addition to the thickness and number of vascular bundles , The cuticle thickness varied, and its highest rate was (25) micrometres in the species V.narbonensis, while the lowest rate was recorded by the species V.ervilia, which reached (2) micrometres. As for the species P.sativum within the genus Pisum, it recorded an average of (12.5) micrometres. In terms of the number of vascular bundles, it differed according to the species, and the two species V.lutea and V.tenuifolia recorded (10-15) bundles, which in turn were similar to the P.sativum species, while the species V.sativa and V.hirsuta recorded a number of bundles reaching (8-10).     






العلوم العلمية والحديثة Modern Science